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Monday, January 05, 2009

Top 5 Westerblog Posts: 2005-2009

Okay ... so most people do a "Top 10" but we had a pretty dry period there for a while so I feel that the best way to give a clear and accurate picture of our most popular posts (by traffic - thanks Google Analytics) is to start with a simple list of five. So in the spirit of looking forward to 2009 and looking back, here are our top five posts:
  1. I'm Nick Westergaard and I Approve This Blog Post
  2. Is That Crap Under My Windshield Wiper or Guerilla Marketing?
  3. The Swing Marketing Advertised
  4. The Monster That Ate the Trade Show
  5. Sprinkles the Wonder Dog
Cheers to Chris Brogan for the idea. He observed when he put his list together – using "linked to" as a rating instrument for the posts – that numbered posts got a lot of attention. Hence I shrewdly chose to do a look back/best of list and number the blog title to test that out.

What do you think? What would you like to see more of in 2009? Cast your vote now using the quick poll in the sidebar to the right.

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