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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

An Entrepreneur Looks at 60

Today Dean Westergaard turns 60. Over 27 years ago and with just a handful of clients, Dean started Westergaard Advertising in the home I grew up in. Several years back, he wrote some copy describing one of our clients as a business that was quietly doing things very well. I think you could say the same thing about the writer. Here's to Deano — small business-owner, entrepreneur, ad man, copywriter, media buyer, Nile Kinnick historian, Brewer/Packer/Hawkeye fan, card-carrying Leinie Lodge member, "old building and loan pal," grandpa, and dad — happy 60th, old man.

1 comment:

karen said...

Happy Birthday Dean! You and Nick "branded" the Mickey Chrysler Dodge logo and family business into the future! Thanks! Karen