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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

In Reference to the Location of the Beef

After a recent Arby's visit, my mind wandered as it's been known to do. I stared off at the packaging in front of me – the instructions to the toy that came with the Kid's Meal. On the backside were about four graphics that made up the fast food giant's core values and mission. Again, this was on the back of the instructions to the Kid's Meal toy. Because — you know as well as I do — kids care greatly about the mission and core values of the companies that provided them with their most recent toy. 

Fast forward a couple of days to a luncheon at one of my favorite new local restaurants — Vesta. At the bottom of their lunch menu, was a short paragraph telling the story of how the restaurant is named for the Roman goddess of hearth and how this was relevant to the dining experience they work to create. 

Some quick takeaways? First, compare the two "missions" — generic stuff like dream big and "make a difference" versus a quirky story involving the gods – and tell me which one you'll remember. Finally, you tell me who really cares more about living a mission by comparing where they chose to display it. On the back of some throw away instructions to a whirlygig that didn't really need instructions in the first place or the page-long, one-sided lunch menu that everyone easily reads all of ...?

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