No, this isn't an excuse to show off pictures of my kids. When you have little children you eat fast food a whole lot more than you normally would. Last weekend on a trip to the golden arches I found my gaze wandering across the table to back of my son's Happy Meal box. There on the box before me was depicted what a Happy Meal
should be. A Utopian offering composed of a grilled chicken wrap, sliced apples and a cool inviting glass of milk. Mmmm.
The problem? This is the first any of us saw of it. No commercials (we watch
a lot of kids TV too) and no in-store signage or menu call-outs. So — as you can see above — our gang ordered up our usual vittles. This is something about the Mickey D's brand that we would actually like to know and it's no where in the barrage brand impressions constantly pelted at families like ours. The conspiracy theorist in me thinks that it was planned this way. The folks at McDonald's
want to be able to
say that they offer something healthy in response to the heightened awareness of the post-
Super Size Me world we live in but at the end of the day they don't want anyone ordering it. Offer it and under-promote it and all of a sudden ...
We have a healthy Happy Meal on the menu but no one orders it ... I digress ...
Why should this matter to you? Is there something important that your customers should know or want to know about your brand that you have relegated to the back of the box?