Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Do You Twitter?

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A New Voice for '09
Today Pepsi revealed a new TV and online campaign that will kick off 2009 at the center of the action - Times Square. The campaign strikes a light and optimistic tone using bold colors, upbeat music, and positive sayings, all of which are accented by their new smiling logo.
At the risk of this becoming the Pepsi/Walmart blog (check out the last four posts), I think that optimism in messaging will be key to staying ahead in 2009. Recent research shows that 81% of Millennials are hopeful about what lies ahead in the new year. We all must remember to address the downturn without dwelling on it.
Like Walmart, this is a great example of finding a relevant way to talk to people about the challenges we face. In doing so in a positive way, they build a strong association with their brand that I wager will last longer than a campaign built on fear.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Growing from the Gut
Friday, December 26, 2008
For Your Holiday Village ...
In the post-holiday malaise, I was confronted with a simple truth -- sometimes Wal-Mart is the only option. I have all of the standard gripes about Wallyworld (or Deathmart as my friend Mike has crudely dubbed them after the unfortunate death of an employee on Black Friday) so I won't bother to elaborate on them here.
My wife's family lives in rural Iowa, and for many essential items Wal-Mart is the only option. And so it passed that my wife, sister-in-law and I set out for food staples, grab bag gifts for an upcoming Yankee Swap, and miscellenous gift items. For part of the visit I was left to my own devices and wandered the aisles. Because I am insane and think of such things, I took in the modern facelift of the new Wal-Mart logo along with other in-store promotionals proclaiming the giant retailer's slogan -- Save money. Live better.
Say what you will about it -- it's basic, it's dirivitive on Target's "Expect More. Pay Less." -- but I think this slogan ultimately meets it's needs and is relevant now more than ever. I found myself reading it aisle after aisle, end-cap after end-cap and thinking -- "That IS what I want." And right now that's what we all want.
Don't get me wrong. I think the company and the way it operates are often times reprehensible and I don't think that a slogan that happens to be more topical now can somehow reverse or offset that. What I do think is that right now, Wal-Mart is doing an OK job of talking to a lot of people.
(Just to be sure to get one quick dig in -- the photo I took above slays me. Now you can add a small, quaint Wal-Mart to your picturesque holiday village. The irony of course is that once you put the Wal-Mart out you'd have to remvoe the small town drug store and toy shop from your quaint main street ...)
Monday, December 22, 2008
The Middle Circle

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Lessons from the Doghouse
By now almost everyone has seen "Beware of the Doghouse" - a great viral marketing video from the jewelry store inside JC Penny's first brought to my attention by Westerblog co-blogger Dean and colleague Larry.
This is indeed hilarious on many levels. The one aspect that I keep thinking about as a marketer though is what the pitch for this idea must have been like. We have an arguably funny premise on its own but within the specific context of driving holiday jewelry traffic to a fairly average mall anchor store, this sketch could seem like a bit of a stretch. Really an "outside of the box" idea. It only features the brand name once at the very end (if you blink you could miss it). Even the microsite the video drives traffic too is subtle (funny? yes; a traditional Penny's merchandising site? no). To the guy or gal at the end of the table whose job it is to give something a thumbs up or down, this was risky decision.
Now in the end it paid off. BIG. The video has been shared over and over and is a runaway success. Hindsight being what it is, one cannot think of a better way to make Penny's standout from the cluttered jewelry retail crowd. But months back, to the guy at the end of the table and the team pitching the idea, this probably had a lot of folks reaching for the Rolaids. Well played.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Can I Help You?
Monday, December 15, 2008
The Westerblog Is Back
Hello blogosphere! The WesterBlog is back. We are relaunching this blog that I first started in 2005 as a team blog for our agency - Westergaard Advertising. Dean and I will be sharing our thoughts on advertising, marketing, new media, traditional media, and everything in between. For more details feel free to watch the video above. We hope that you'll all join in the conversation.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
A Domain Name Oops!