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Friday, September 14, 2007

How This Changes Things ...

[This is a bit more than the ubiquitous iPhone blog posting. But, yes, I got one and I love it. And, yes, it was a brilliant move to drop the price — only way to grab some healthy market share plus I’m sure research indicated that there was a glacier sized chunk of people that would break free if the price was lower. And, yes, it would have been better if Jobs would have rolled out his $100 gift to the early adopters at the same time he announced the price cut. But enough of that …]

I was in an impromptu meeting the other day with a client talking about their website. It was a casual conversation and no one had laptops out. Someone asked about the website and the one of them got out a smart phone and we all passed it around and were using this manifestation of the internet to guide our discussion.

It suddenly occurred to me. More and more people carry the internet in their pockets in this crazy, fast-paced world of ours. That means more and more the internet is being downsized to someone’s small handheld screen.

How do smart phones change things?

- What does your site look like on a smart phone?
- Do all of the features work? Can you shop? Does the media work right?
- What about your HTML email? Chances are more and more people are viewing them on smart phones as well.
- Back it out a step, how can you more actively market to people with smart phones?

As we always say, it’s better to have some of the questions than all of the answers. And this is just another slice of new media that we’ll have to look at and think of some great questions for how to reach our customers on this new, pocket-sized digital frontier.

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