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Sunday, April 02, 2006

In Praise of The Geek Squad

I almost ran into a lamppost last week when I saw Best Buy's Geek Squad VW bug with its custom paint job in my neighborhood on a house call. Holy cow is that a remarkable concept.

Take a sec and consider all of the theatrical elements that they've managed to pull into the relatively straightlaced world of retail technical support.

  • Costumes -- short-sleeved white dress shirts, black slacks, and a thin retro tie (also black). The uber geeks can also further trick themselves out with the dashing addition of spiked hair, think black glasses, and maybe even a chain wallet.
  • Logo -- this division of Best Buy has it's own logo and look and feel that is independent and rebellious to the rest of the store's brand.
  • The aforementioned wheels.
Can you name the any other electronics' superstore's dedicated commando unit of a support team? Probably not. And who will you think of the next time you need computer help? Gonna sit on hold forever and then have a boring tech explain something that is easier shown than told or are you gonna consider callin' that wacky bug?

The Point?
What can you Geek-up about your product or service? Ever thought of trying a costume for what you do? Not tights but a certain type of look? Crazy or remarkable?

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